From Garland Local History & Genealogical Society, Volume 5-Number 2, July 1977
Author: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Newman
Dr. Joseph Jackson of Ireland was father of Samuel and Andrew.
Samuel Jackson, a man of some means, owned a ship which brought emigrants from London to America. Andrew Jackson the father of present Andrew, was a brother of Samuel Jackson, and came to America on the ship owned by Samuel. Samuel settled in Lancaster County, Penn. He also lived in Augusta County Va. He owned a paper mill in Philadelphia.
Andrew Jackson, son of Samuel, was born in Augusta County, Va. He served in the Revolutionary War at the side of his father Samuel Andrew and was fighting in the Virginia line at the age of fourteen years. He later moved to Blount County, Tenn., near Maryville. He married Jeanne Sloan, daughter of Archibald Sloan.
Land Grant of Andrew and Jeanne Sloan Jackson:
"Origin - 1 grant of land on the waters of Baker's Creek, one mile East of the Brick Mill, part of the land where Gillenwater's now own". "Grant for Revolutionary War Service"
Authority: Records of Blount County, Tenn., at courthouse at Maryville.
Land grant of Archibald Sloan:
"#1072 in 1793 gets 200 acres in Blount County, which was county of Washington in State of North Carolina, land is on North fork of Nine Mile Creek to include the Blue Flagg Spring on the warpath waters of Tennessee (now little Tenn.) River joins land Spraight, at Newborn 11/27/1793"
Authority: Blount County Records, Courthouse Maryville, Tenn.
John Jackson, son of Andrew, was born in Blount County, Tenn. He married Eliza Brown and moved to Fayette County, Mo. in 1842. They moved to Dallas County, Texas in August of 1845.
Land grant of John Jackson:
Certificate of John Jackson, Nacogdoches 3rd class, File #2027, certificate made Nov. 15, 1850, 640 acres, Peters Colony, John Jackson emigrated to Texas prior to July 1848, with wife and children."
Authority: Land Office, Austin, Texas.
Revolutionary War Record of Samuel Jackson: W 6-94
"Samuel Jackson received pay for service in Revolutionary Infantry, Dec. 16, 1783, Pittsburg Payroll 32".
"Samuel Jackson soldier in Col. Marshall's Regiment in Artillery (VA Militia) served 3 yrs time he enlisted for, discharged by order Lt. Col. Edmund, given under hand of Major John M. Mazart, Aug. 23, 1780”
Authority: Revolutionary War Records, Va. State Library, Richmond.
Revolutionary War Record of Andrew Jackson:
''Andrew Jackson paid for one hundred fifty three days service in Revolutionary Army" Authority: Auditor accounts 18-682 Rev. War Records Va., State Library. "Andrew Jackson received pay for service in Virginia Militia, 5-19-1784 Bounty Warrant."
Authority: Revolutionary War Records Virginia State Library, Richmond. Also more data on this record is on file on D.A.R. papers of Mary Martin Hutchison (Mrs. William) # 271095 Memorial Continent Hall, Washington, D.C.
Revolutionary War Record of Archibals Sloan:
"Appears with rank of Lieutenant in Captain Joseph Charpe's Company of Light Horse Service, under command of Col. Francis Lock, Service from Jan. 26 to Mar. 11, 1781, North Carolina Militia." "thought wounded."
Authority: State papers of North Carolina, Vol. XVII p.l056.
War Records of Mexican War: Sons of John Jackson: Andrew Sloan Jackson, soldier in Mexican War. William Clark Jackson, soldier in Mexican War, died of typhoid fever he took there.
James E. Jackson, a successful and highly respectable farmer of Dallas County, has been identified with the interests of this state since 1842. He came to Texas in 1842 with his father, John Jackson, and family when he was about twenty years of age. The father and three sons including James E., took a headright under Peters Colony. Two of the brothers went to the Mexican War and one returned; one of them dying soon afterward. The others improved their land. Here James E. lived and reared his family, six of his children are married and he has helped them to good farms all within three miles of the old home place. The first year of their residence in Texas, the Jackson family lived in true pioneer style. They had to go to Red River County for bread stuff, but after the first year they had no difficulty, as they raised a good crop. Game of all kinds was plenty.
In 1851, on the 10th of January, Mr. Jackson was married. He then began improving his own claim and continued thus employed until 1863. During these years he prospered, made many substantial improvements on his farm, and had 100 acres under cultivation and a number of horses and other stock. The war continuing to rage, he enlisted, in 1863 in the Confederate Army: was a Captain in Stratton's company Stone regiment, and took part in numerous engagements in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. He received only a few slight wounds and was never captured. After the close of the war he was mustered out at Houston, returned home and resumed his farming operations.
Mr. Jackson's father John Jackson, was a native of East Tenn. He grew into manhood and was married there; the lady he wedded being Eliza Brown of Tenn. In 1837 they moved to Missouri, and nine years later came to Texas, settling as above stated. The father was a cooper (barrel maker) by trade, at which he worked in Tenn. After coming to Texas, however, his attention was devoted almost exclusively to farming and stock raising. John Jackson died in Texas in 1868, after a useful and prosperous career. He left nine children of which included James E.
The subject of our sketch chose for his life companion and married Diana J. Davis. Her parents H.C. and Sally (Parrish) Davis, natives of Virginia, came to Texas in 1846 and settled in Dallas County. Mrs. Davis died about June 1867 and Mr. Davis departed this life in October, 1877. He obtained a headright through the Peters Colony and made his home on it the rest of his life. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have had seven children: Andrew C. born Nov. 30, 1851, died June 9, 1865. Ardelia E. born April 17, 1853; Henson C. born March 19, 1855; John Thomas born March 15, 1857; Benjamin J. born July 5, 1859; Jefferson Davis born Feb. 24, 1862; and Caleb W. born June 4, 1866. Politically Mr. Jackson is a Democrat. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.
In 1867 Mr. Jackson sustained a heavy loss from a cyclone that visited his place. All his buildings and much of his stock were destroyed. His family were all at home and, what is strange to say, none of them were injured.
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Other relatives of the Jackson lineage can be correlated with a previous article, "The Way It Was", by Virgil Jackson from the Garland Local History and Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 4, No.1.
We are indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Newman for submitting this family information. From previous pages and other data a reconstruction of the ancestral line is included on the following page.